Tobacco-Free Youth Recreation
Tobacco-Free Youth Recreation (TFYR) assists communities in their efforts to create a commercial tobacco-free environment and promote commercial tobacco-free lifestyles. The program helps youth and adult community members partner with policy makers to implement recreation-based commercial tobacco prevention strategies.
TFYR's Focus
A primary focus of TFYR’s work is to assist Minnesota communities in adopting commercial tobacco-free policies for their parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and other outdoor recreational facilities.
More than 150 Minnesota communities have created commercial tobacco-free recreation areas for their residents and visitors. To view a directory of Minnesota’s tobacco-free parks, zoos, fairgrounds and other recreation areas, visit the TFYR policy directory.
Tobacco-Free Parks Policy Resources
TFYR has policy implementation and promotion materials for community groups and policy makers. These materials are intended to assist efforts to create and promote commercial tobacco-free environments in your community.
Commercial Tobacco-Free Policies for Other Outdoor Spaces in Minnesota
Although TFYR has traditionally focused on commercial tobacco-free policies for recreational areas, the program also assists communities with tobacco-free policies for other outdoor spaces such as:
School grounds
Fair grounds
Public grounds (such as city- or county-owned property)
Employer grounds
Healthcare facility grounds
A number of resources exist for communities interested in implementing commercial tobacco-free policies for their outdoor spaces. Contact Emily Anderson,, for these resources or more information.

Tobacco-Free Campuses
Commercial tobacco use and exposure remain a problem on college campuses. Commercial tobacco-free college campus policies are proven solutions that provide a healthier learning, living and working environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Through our Tobacco-Free Campus program, ANSR promotes the adoption of commercial tobacco-free policies at colleges and universities in Ramsey County.
For more information contact Emily Anderson, Tobacco-Free Campus Program Director, at or
A Growing Trend
According to Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, as of October 2023, there are at least 2,613 100% smoke-free campuses in the US. Of these, 2,193 are 100% commercial tobacco-free and 2,284 prohibit the use of e-cigarettes anywhere on campus. For a full listing of smoke- and commercial tobacco-free campuses across the country, click here.
Step 1: Getting Started
Building the case for a commercial tobacco-free campus
A commercial tobacco-free policy prohibits smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products on all school properties and in all school-owned or leased vehicles. A comprehensive tobacco use policy also prohibits the sale of tobacco products on campus, tobacco advertisements in school publications and tobacco company sponsorship of school programs and events.
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Increase Quit Attempts
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Decrease Tobacco Use and Initiation
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Reduce Exposure to Tobacco
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Decrease Tobacco Litter
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Eliminate Ties to the Tobacco Industry
Tobacco-Free Campus Policies Prepare Students for a Tobacco-Free Workplace
Step 2: Moving Forward
Steps for adopting a commercial tobacco-free policy
Many post-secondary institutions have successfully implemented commercial tobacco-free campus policies. While each campus is unique, these basic steps can lead towards policy success. Here are the most common guiding principles:
Focus on the tobacco use, not the tobacco user. Focus on health and safety regarding secondhand smoke, not individual rights.
Obtain campus leadership support and make this support visible to all members of the campus community.
Convene a monthly committee comprised of a diverse group of campus stakeholders.
Complete a commercial tobacco-free campus opinion survey of students, faculty and staff.
Complete an environmental assessment to determine smoking “hot spots” and the amount of tobacco litter on campus.
Develop a draft policy statement and share with institution stakeholders.
Allow ample time between the announcement of the new policy to the effective date for a thorough and supportive communication plan, including posting new policy signage.
Provide training for supervisors on policy communication and enforcement.
Offer tobacco cessation resources to all students, faculty and staff before and after the policy change.
Enforce the commercial tobacco-free campus policy just like the previous no-smoking policy: through education.
Celebrate! The policy is a positive step towards a healthier, cleaner campus!
Many campuses have successfully carried out a policy development process. The University of Minnesota’s smoke- and tobacco-free policy development began in 2008, and the policy was formally adopted in 2014. Learn more about the process here.
Step 3: Achieving Success
Implementing and promoting a commercial tobacco-free campus policy
While adopting a commercial tobacco-free campus policy is an important step towards a healthier, cleaner campus, proper implementation and enforcement of your policy plus tobacco cessation services are key to policy success.

Smoke-Free Lodging
The Smoke-Free Lodging program promotes 100% smoke-free policies for lodging establishments. In order to increase the number of lodging establishments with smoke-free policies, Smoke-Free Lodging educates tourism industry professionals, lodging managers, owners and key staff about the benefits of 100% smoke-free buildings. Smoke-Free Lodging also assists lodging establishment owners and managers with creating and promoting smoke-free policies for their properties.